The first person Jose Maria wanted to tell about his special visit was a person who was very special to him. He was betrothed to a man named Josep. Josep was very kind and very intelligent. He also looked very dapper in a suit. Everyone agreed that Jose Maria and Pep made a wonderful couple and their wedding would be sure to unite Barcelona and Madrid in celebration. Jose Maria was very confused about his special task and he felt sure that Josep would know what to do. So he went to him and said "Pep" For that was Josep's nickname. "Last night an angel visited me and told me that I must give the gift of beautiful football to the world." Josep was also confused so he said "Are you sure?" Jose Maria told him that he was very sure and that he needed help. And because he loved Jose Maria very much Josep agreed to help his beloved in his quest even though he was not sure how. But sure enough that night when he was sleeping Josep received a very special visitor of his own.....
stay tuned.........
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