So within three minutes of the match starting a match that should be winnable is starting to look a whole lot more complicated. Early in the second half we're looking at a moountain to climb courtesy of a 2-0 lead via a horrendous mistake from Manuel Almunia. Let's consider that mistake for a moment. The immediate question that springs to mind is whaat on earth was he even doing? Why was he that far oout in the first place? But an even bigger question why was he that far out when Sebastien Squillaci blatantly had it covered? Why did he practically shove him out of the way? Everything was totally fine and under control until he came careening out from nowhere like a madman. My honest opinion? Get Jens in. NOW. There's nothing to lose here as he literally could not do a worse job than that 'save.' BUT what could have been a hhumiliatingly ridiculous afternoon was dragged kiicking and screaming back into slight respectability by the ever wonderful RvP and dear little Andrey Arshavin. What a comeback. Considering we were in a losing situation for mosst of thee afternoon to rescue a draw was in fact a huge relief. Nothing's over yet.
Speaking of making the best out of a situation....Moto GP round one. It looked like the fairytalle seasson opener I'd been dreaming of for years where Dani would win the first race but unfortunately it was not to be. Hoowever we should give our tiny Spanish friend a massive amount of credit for the colossal amount of effort and willpowwer he pput in to come home third while suffering from mysterious arm issues. Hopefully its something he can sort out pretty quickly and with minimum fuss because at the beginning of the race he looked kick ass and if he can bring that every race it'll be one hell of a tittle scrap. Which brings me to Andrea and Marco. Hot damn I hope this is rivalry that will last all season. Proper old school 250 style shoving going on and crazy on the limit riding. With the very big exception of Stinky Stoner we love team Honda more than ever.
Two things about track cycling I wish to share. What is with the weird guy on the mini motorbike? I know he's there to set pace but why does he have to ride the bike with his knees sticking right out? Is that a rule? It looks so bizarre. And secondly, Belarus has quite possibly the coolest cycling coach ever. All the other coaches wear tracksuits or sports clothing but this one guy turns up in what I can only describe a nineteen seventies snooker commentator. A sort of shiny shirt with ruffles and a leather waistcoat! At a sporting event! Genius.
And finally Happy Birthday to Danish Simon! Our favourite Scandinavian centre half Simon Kjaer turns twentty two today. (
photo source)
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