We begin with a favourite of ours, Maxim Trankov and his partner Tatiana. Europeans marked the return of their 'Super Mario' gala concept. Its a charmingly geeky concept and it takes a special kind of man to rock what looks like pyjamas in quite that fashion. What do you think?
Then we move on to Tomas Werner. In a move which can only be described as either 'brave' or 'ridiculous' his did his gala routine to 'Sexy and I know it' complete with wig and tiny hotpants. Yeah.
Next we move to Nikita Katsapalov and his partner Elena. I picked this because I just love it. Its modern and young with the leather jacket and the cutaway panels on the dress but its also very classic with the monochrome colouring and the simple shaping. Top marks.
Speaking of classic looks. Here is a lovely trio of classy black outfits from the top three boys on the podium. Artur has gone for the 'vampiric' look here with a little embelishment and some feathers. Florent has gone for a sort of latin vibe with the sash, the deep 'v' on the neckline and the sheer effect on his shirt. And Egeni well he's gone for a classic tux with a blinged up twist. All of them demonstrating the old adage that you really can't go wrong with black.
And finally we have Brian Joubert. A perennial favourite on these pages. This time though, he's gone a little...offbeat. To match his musicl choice of 'clubbed to death' from the Matrix soundtrack he's gone for this weird leather effect jumpsuit. It even has little pockets on the legs there. And in case we didn't get the Matrix connection it even has green 'computer code' type numbering on it. So you know he's 'the one.' Thank you all.
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