First up a double header from old favourites Yuko Kavaguti and Alexander Smirnov. I make no secret of how much I love these two. the first outfit (above) is from their free program. I think these outfits are just so beautiful, so classy. Its a lovely colour, her dress is well cut and the embellishment has impact but isn't too much. Also intersting to note Alexander has gone back to his clean cut look after his experiment with longer, more shaggy hair and beard. I liked rugged Sasha and I still really like clean cut Sasha. Win win. Secondly, (below) there's Yuko's fabulous outift for their exhibition piece soundtracked to-you've guessed it-Cats! I LOVE this outfit. Its cute, its fluffy, its fun and she's having fun in it. Absolutely adorable.
Next up, Vanessa James and Morgan Cipres. I picked this outfit because as soon as I saw it I said "Wow that's an old-school outfit." This is a classical figure skating look, its very retro. Like Torvill and Dean retro. Chiffon, sequins, shading and crushed velvet; this is traditional figure skating through and through and ticks all the boxes.
Now we have the new but not improved free skate outifts from Aliona Savchenko and Robin Szolkowy. I know Aliona designs these outfits herself, so it feels a little harsh to criticise them but seriously, what is she thinking? The first versions of these outfits were a little wacky but not so bad, but this new version just makes them worse. The print sections just do not work. The shape and accents are all wrong. And what is happening with Aliona's weird body stocking?! I'm sorry but I just don't get it.

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