Arsenal Fixtures 2013/2014

  • 17/08/13 Aston Villa (H)
  • 24/08/13 Fulham (A)
  • 01/09/13 Tottenham (H)
  • 14/09/13 Sunderland (A)
  • 22/09/13 Stoke (H)

Sunday 1 May 2011

From Russia with love

Is everyone feeling chilled out? Shall we take down the temparature some more? That's right everyone, it's that time again....ISU WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS. I've been ridiculously excited since I saw the entry lists for this and the rescheduled event finally kicked off in Moscow this week and boy has it lived up to its promise so far.

I caught the top five performances from the men's short programme. I haven't seen Patrick Chan skate in while but I remember being impressed the last time I did. Apparently since then he's stepped up his game. He broke the world record for his SP skate and it was richly deserved, it was really impressive to see someone skate something so technical so cleanly. And it was just so sweet, like a cute little boy next door sort of vibe. And he landed a quad like it was nothing. I loved Daisuke Takahashi's performance, it had a sort of camp salsa flavour to it which in my book is always a winner. And he clearly enjoys every minute of it which adds to the joy. And although he wasn't in the top five, I saw lovely Brian. The commentators said he had a nightmare but I didn't think it was that bad, I love his 'once upon a time in mexico' routine, his flamenco hands are immense. I also found Adrian Schultheiss' performance and even though he fell over and didn't qualify for the next stage, I still love it. And him. Amusingly, he's added a new move to the routine which I can only describe as 'feeling up the air.' Brilliant. Kep on rocking Adrian.
 Then I saw the short dances from the pairs. Once again Alexander Smirnov and Yuko Kavaguti were incredible. Poor Alex made a mistake but they were still so thrilling to watch and I was very excited to see a change of outfit from them. I love the bond they have too, he holds her like a china doll and seems so very protective of her its adorable. I've also found some new favourites at this event. Firstly Pang and Tong from China. Beautiful, graceful skating. Enchanting. And secondly Maxim Trankov and his partner. Hot damn the boy is gooood. He looks like he should be in eurovision with his flicky fringe and he skates like a manly Russian angel. More to follow when I catch up more...........

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